Office of the President

Office Directory

Soraya M. Coley

  • phone number or extension909-869-2290
  • fax909-869-4535

Nicole A. Hawkes

Vice President and Chief of Staff

Brandon Tuck

Interim Presidential Associate, Community Partnerships & Expanding Access

Kimberly Allain

Senior Associate Vice President for Employee & Organizational Development & Advancement

Amon Rappaport

Senior Associate Vice President and Chief Communications Officer
Strategic Communications

Dawnita H. Franklin

Associate Vice President and Title IX Coordinator/DHR Administrator

Yasmin Iltchi

Assistant Vice President
Employee/Labor Relations and Compliance

Desireé Reneé Martinez

Tribal Relations and NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA Director

Mark H. Patterson

Director, Conflict Resolution Services and University Ombuds

Office of the President Staff

Directory Listing for Office of the President Staff
Name Title Email Phone
Angela Carr Presidential Aide 909-869-4075
Maggie Church Executive Assistant to the Vice President and Chief of Staff 909-869-2707
Francine Ramirez Deputy Chief of Staff 909-869-6992
Lucinda Schell Administrative Operations and Budget Analyst 909-869-2716
Lorraine Fernandez Interim Operations Specialist 909-869-3403